Fuuka Chapter 9 Zippers

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Fuuka Chapter 9 Zippers 4,6/5 4963 votes
  1. Non Separating Zipper
  2. 9 Inch Zippers

@MizukaS Once again you're getting extremely presumptuous and going after other people based on incomplete information and assumptions. Please do not do this as this will be your only warning. On top of what everyone else has said you also have to consider that there are various titles where roles are not likely to be confirmed. This is because the voice actors may have passed away, do not have public contact information, or do not want to legally or professionally be associated with the title in question. There's also a matter in certain cases of respecting VAs' personal space and realizing that they might not always want to be hounded by fan questions, or contacted solely for that purpose 24/7 when social media and the internet can be exhausting. Everyone is different so while some may not mind, others may.

In many cases as well, even if a role has never been officially confirmed, the use of a sound clip for viewers to compare and draw conclusions themselves also provides an extra layer of why we believe an assignment is credible. I can also say we have also verified several roles with VAs personally but as they are private conversations there may not always be image proof. In any case there is always logic and a process behind what credits do and don't appear on the site. I don't have anything to do with Danganronpa so please don't ask me about this franchise. @Soul-dragon That's not a plothole. It's just Tsumugi bending the rules as the mastermind, just like how Junko attempted to kill Makoto in CH5 back in DR1.

Do you remember that the bad ending exists too, btw? Kyoko was killed instead of Makoto, even though she isn't guilty. When the mastermind decides to cheat, the rules don't matter anymore. Think of it this way - Tsumugi was offed at the very end, so she got what she deserved for cheating. Also, if Tsumugi didn't cheat, there was no need for Ch6, and the whole Dangan Ronpa Reality TV Show could have never came to an end. Kaede's death has significant meaning to the story; I could definitely assure you that it is not a plothole. @MizukaS Wonderful!

Aug 3, 2013 - Chapter 32: 'Iranman Alekseyevich wanted to sample The Kharmsian Delights for himself, but an evil dictator wouldn't let him. So he spat, and ventured onto the interwebs where he met Ocranon Smentov. Ocranon Smentov had a good heart, and promised to help the noble Arab on his mission, but he. Baca Komik Fuuka Chapter 9 Bahasa Indonesia indo terbaru, Download manga Fuuka 9. Dec 4, 2011 - And just like with Fuuka and Rise, the sound of breaking glass called forth Izanagi from his psyche and stood behind him in waiting for Yu's command. As he slipped the. He then drew his Evoker out from a back pocket in his costume and stuffed it through its zipper, pulling the trigger to summon Kamui.

Guess then it'll be an Ultra Despair Girls mindset? No issues there!

I wonder what character is going to get the treatment next? It'll probably be either Hiyoko or Peko (if they choose a girl from 2 to develop). I'd be all for either one although I will admit that I'd only be OK with Peko getting some development if she gets a new VA. Nothing against Janice Kaiwaye here, but she was not a good fit for the character and didn't do her justice IMO (well she did during the Sparkling Justice scene.

But that was it really). @MizukaS I doubt it. If anything it's going to be another spin-off. Someone mentioned them wanting to make a fighting game, so it might be that. But there are some characters that I think need to be recasted (I did already mention Shirogane and Peko and I honestly believe that getting a new VA would do wonders for Sayaka and Chiro as well) although I doubt that NIS is going to change them based on one persons thoughts LOL (which means that if push comes to shove I'll just play it subbed). All in all I'm excited to see what they come up with.

@Soul-dragon It's all speculation at this point. Nobody knows if it's gonna be like P4 Arena thing or a whole new concept.

And to me, Monica Rial is best Sayaka voice. It's too bad that Dorothy couldn't even begin with compare to Monica for the role (it also helped with the fact that Sayaka had more voiced dialogues in the anime than in the game). Chihiro's always sounded fine to me in both the anime and game. Honestly, I think Kara Edwards and Dorothy are equally tied.

This is from Goodwin English's free TOEIC test. Soal tes toeic.doc. This is all of the TOEIC listening test.

Personally, I think the positives of the DR franchise dubs far outweigh the negatives. Bryce as Nagito and Makoto, most of Dr2's cast, Grant as Shuichi, Johnny as Hajime. Need I say more? @MizukaS Honestly she and Erica (Mendez) should've swapped roles. Maki has way more lines than Tsumugi and it's a character that I can actually picture her fitting perfectly if she used her Meryl Strife voice. As for Tsumugi I can imagine Erica being a perfect fit with her Nico voice.

However if I'm being honestly my ideal English Tsumugi would be Bryn Appril, but since I'm going to be realistic here I'd say that either Carrie Kearnen (doing something in between Alya and Satsuki) or Cassandra Lee Morris (channeling Lin Lee Koo and Kyubey) would've been better candidates as well. I just hope that if the character returns she (and I say this with all due respect to Fahn) gets a new voice. Dorothy didn't fit her in the slightest and I honestly believe that she would've worked better for Tenko, Miu, Kirumi or Maki. @Soul-dragon Dorothy is best at motherly/mature characters. Her medium register, which consists of Meryl and Kaoru, are very good, too. But any higher than that.?

Oh, and I could tell you why that kind of voice sounds similar to Fuka in the original P3. It's the result of a lower pitched person trying to force the high range. I do know some lower pitched people could hit high pitched voices quite well (Wendee Lee and Julie Ann Taylor, for instance), but it's certainly not Dorothy nor Paula Tiso. So yeah, agreed with your statement on hoping that directors would stop trying to hurt Dorothy's vocal chords in the future. @MizukaS You and me both. The voices I complained about earlier have all grown on me honestly (expect for Shirogane's) and complaining isn't going to change a thing! Granted I have my issues with some of the voices in the series (Shirogane, Peko and some others) but I never go as far as most people do.

And the fact that I got a death threat just for saying that Bryce would've made a good Oma is f. stupid! He isn't that bad of a VA so why are people acting like he's the spawn of Satan? And if you think the voice acting for the series is the only thing that the fanbase is rapid about, then then I'm afraid that your very wrong. It's crazy about literally everything. It goes as far as shipping (basically if you don't ship Komahina your a terrible person.) to which VA portrayed a character better (I've once seen two people throw a bunch of insults at someone just because they said that they liked Austin Tindle's Ishimaru more than Sean Chiplock's). Forgive me if I went off topic or began to rant, I'm just tired of this series's fanbase getting mad at every little thing.

Non Separating Zipper

@Soul-dragon Yeah, I don't like Komahina at all. In fact, I don't even see it. Nagito's definitely interested in Hajime, and he is 'in love with his hope' as he says, but is that on a romantic level?

Nah, if you ask me. It's fine if someone thinks that way, but I'm personally inclined to disagree, so I would appreciate it if others wouldn't shove that ship down my throat.

Personally, I see Chiaki and Hajime as a ship, since there's an in game event where Hajime's heart beat accelerates when Chiaki fell on top of him. It's also pretty much a no brainer as to which pair has a stronger bond (and if anything, Hajime's feelings towards Nagito is anything but positive). Chiaki and Hajime often support each other as good friends, but I am also inclined to think that their bond is a bit more than just mere friendship. I'm ok with others don't see it the way I do, so it would be great if others would treat me how I'd treat 'em (unfortunately, that sincere notion I have is often not reciprocated by the DR fanbase). And honestly, if people wanna think Austin portrayed Taka better, then that's their opinion. Vice versa with Sean as the same character. It's honestly really stupid to claim superiority on an opinion; we all have 'em, so even if it's an unpopular one, is there really honestly a need to yell at each other until our faces are beet red over something so subjective?

^ These are the main reasons why I really dislike the DR fandom in general, since the majority of its fans have given me no reason to make me feel that I even have a sense of belonging. @MizukaS I definitely agree with you on all of the above expect for the fact that I personally love Komahina LOL. One of the reasons I think it started up was due to the amount of chemistry that Johny and Bryce had with their respective characters and how well the performances blended together.

It probably helped as well that both voiced the Okumura bothers on Blue Exorcist so they had probably already grown used to preforming with the others voice. In fact, how much chemistry two VAs can have together can create a lot of ships which is both a good thing and a bad thing. Honestly, this dub felt average at best. I'm sorry, but some of the voices could've been way better. Some examples are, Shirogane (I really wish that they had gone with someone like Erica Mendez, Cherami Leigh or Natalie Hover.), Oma (I adored Derek Stephen Prince as Fuyuhiko but he sounded a bit to old to play Oma and the voice wasn't cute enough.), Tenko (I really, really wish that Taylor had used her Severa/Selena voice for her. It would've fit her way better, and the screams sounded terrible TBH) and Rantaro (I usually love JYB's work, but his Rantaro felt a bit to stiff.

I honestly wish that he and Derek had switched roles. It would've been better). And again, the Monokubs should've been voiced by one person. I don't mind that we got multiple VAs, but it would've made way more since. @MizukaS Again underwhelming.

She usually makes such a good use of recycled VAs, but here.well I was pretty disappointed with the 4 characters I mentioned above. Everyone else was OK, but Tenko and Oma's voices were underwhelming compared to their JPN counterparts, Ranatro was extremely stiff and Shirogane.where do I even begin? I have no clue why she thought Dorothy Fahn would be a good fit.

Her Sayaka was a total misfire, and Shirogane's even worse. I guess it would be tolerable if the character had a small role, but she was the MASTERMIND! Getting that characters voice wrong can drag down the entire dub (which it kind of did in a way. Most of, if not all of my problems with the dub come from her voice) and ruin the great acting that came from some of the characters. I don't have anything against Fahn, I just think that she would've made a better Kirumi or Maki.

@Soul-dragon I think Johnny did well as Rantaro, actually. He's been using his lower register more often recently (previously he stuck to his natural speaking voice or pitched it up to varying degrees), and I think he was great given the limited material he got.

I thought Derek Stephen Prince was a decent Oma, too. Initially, I wanted the two of them and Grant to switch roles (Grant= Rantaro, Derek= Saihara, Johnny=Oma). I still would like to see that, to be honest.

But Grant bowled me over, Johnny turned in a pleasant surprise, and I got roughly what I wanted with Derek, so I'll take it. I don't dislike her performance as much the the most of the fans do, but there's something that's not quite doing it for me. It's a shame, because she's got a great voice and sounded like a good choice on paper. I'm pretty bummed none of my predictions for the voice actors were right (only two of the voice actors I guessed were in the game, but not as the characters I thought they'd voice) but most, if not all the voice actors, are pretty good choices so far! I can see where the complaints about Grant George (who also voiced Leon in the first game) voicing Saihara are coming from, but I think he pulls it off pretty well.

9 inch separating zipper

Plus I think it's nice they had Todd Haberkorn voice Korekiyo. Not only is his voice (much to my surprise, actually) very fitting for the character, but he stays alive longer than a single chapter and that's great. And you have no idea how long it took me to find out Kyle Hebert was voicing (my new favorite) Kaito. He just had to say ONE THING similar to Kamina for it to click.


Overall, I would have preferred fresh blood (my predictions for the V3 voice cast was built around that idea), but the voice cast isn't too bad in my book. The voice who I'm the most curious to see in this game is Shirogane's.

I will admit that I've been extremely harsh on Dorothy Fahn because I didn't think her voice fit the character and for that I apologize to her. It was wrong of me to say some of the things I did on both YouTube and this site and I do hope that she can forgive me for it (even though I don't think I deserve it). But I can't see how they're going to make it sound (HUGE SPOILERS AHEAD!) intimating/creepy for the final trail. But I'm hoping that she'll be able to surprise me. (SPOILERS END HERE) I just hope that she'll be able to pull it off because the Danganronpa fandom can be quite.harsh when it comes to a voice they don't think fits a character. But I'll see what happens. @Soul-dragon 'I just hope that she'll be able to pull it off because the Danganronpa fandom can be quite.harsh when it comes to a voice they don't think fits a character.

' I never liked most of the DR fandom for that reason, you know. People could complain all day, but in the end, nobody will be able to get Nis America to delete Dorothy's lines and then recast the role to someone else. Now, I wouldn't say that particular voice Dorothy used is exactly ideal either, but for some reason, I think it.

Perhaps this is what they mean by 'mixed feelings'. Yeah, that's it. Yeah, I love the fact that a VA got death threats due to non-participation as well. Seriously though, nobody deserves that, even if the performance was terrible, and the worst kind of miscast that anyone could make. At the very core, voice actors are human beings, too. Nobody deserves to die over a fictional setting, a game, or anime. A disappointing performance is one thing, but that doesn't mean they've committed an actual crime (you know, breaking the law).

On a related note, Kokichi is actually Derek Stephen Prince, Fuyuhiko's VA. @Soul-dragon It's better for the Monokubs to be voiced by multiple people instead of one, imo (which I'm glad that's what Nis decided to do). Pretty much any VA has a distinct voice pattern, and when you dump 5 roles into a single VA, that tends to lead to less desirable results. That strains the VA a lot, and it's even worse when you could tell that it's all from the same VA. Also, hearing a grown man try to sound all cutesy (Monophanie) would sound really, really off. So, I'm really glad that Nis cast Natalie Hoover instead.

She's always been good at the cutesy voice. @NCZ We all have different opinions. And there are, of course times that others won't agree with you. And that's fine. The world would be stale if everyone has the same opinion, anyway. That's why BTVA is such an interesting place.

So anyway, when a conversation or discussion gets to that point, the point of neither participant could agree with one another, there really is no need to continue any further discussion. I mean, if neither one of you could agree to one another, then it's best to call it quits. I know no matter how much I say, I wouldn't be able to get Soul Dragon to agree with my viewpoint about the Monokubs, seeing as he has a completely different viewpoint about the matter. Hence I decided to stop the conversation and move on to something else. Maybe my usage of 'let's agree to disagree' sounded passive aggressive to you, but truthfully speaking, I used the below definition of the expression. 'Agreeing to disagree simply means coming to an understanding with someone that you have a difference of opinion. When you agree to disagree, you acknowledge that neither person is going to convince the other person to change his or her mind, so you might as well stop arguing and move on!'

Honestly, there really is no point in having lengthy discussions if you know for certain there is no way for you to convince other people to change their minds. Continuing could potentially lead to less desirable results. There's no point in turning it into a heated debate.

Name E-mail Subject Comment File Password (Password used for file deletion). Supported file types are: GIF, JPG, PNG. Maximum file size allowed is 3072 KB. Images greater than 250x250 pixels will be thumbnailed. Read the and before posting. File: -(41 KB, 209x317, BOOK.jpg) BOOK!

The Goddamn Duck 01/09/10(Sat)13:11 ITT: Book! For players to find in your games. 'Last Gasp' By Kren Thraspan Appearance: A cheaply bound red hardcover with dented edges, pages slightly yellowed about the sides, some minor water damage, no mildew. Language: Common tongue Contents: A terrible, overtly-sensationalist mystery tale about a halfling wizard who kills people with the Mage's Hand spell, in ways that are technically impossible. The author did not do his research, and the whole plot seems to be crafted to make people suspicious of wizards and halflings alike, with almost enough strawmanning to fill an Ayn Rand novel.

'Three Miles to Victory' By Pthik Appearance: A large, heavy scroll of fine paper in a black leather case. The roller is onyx. Case is slightly battered, but the scroll is in immaculate condition.

Language: Draconic. Contents: A high-epic tale of a war between a large kobold warren and a gnomish settlement, told from the kobolds' point of view.

Fuuka Chapter 9 Zippers

Pure propaganda, but if one is fond of war stories, it's very entertaining. The unorthodox tactics presented in the scroll are of special note to anyone with a mind for such things. Shas'o R'myr!!TZikiEEr0tg 01/09/10(Sat)13:11 The Lusty Argonian Maid. Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)13:12 'God's A-Bomb' by Dirk Allen DMing for Christ!8.fxV5hsfw 01/09/10(Sat)13:12 I once saw a guy try to name his Dragonborn 'Lifts-her-tail'. The DM sadly didn't let it fly. Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)13:12 Colonel Gentleman's Collection of the Extremely Pornographic By Colonel Gentleman Appearance: A finely bound but nondescript brown tome locked with a massive iron chain.

Contents: Unknown. Roll 5d10 Sanity damage. Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)13:14 File-(9 KB, 200x200, Colonel Gentleman's official l(.).jpg) Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)13:14 'I'm Dead - What About You?' By Rortan McCreedy A long-winded book on the benefits of undeath.

McCreedy was killed and resurrected as a zombie by a necromancer, and seems to enjoy his present state more than he liked being alive. His reasons boil down to 'I don't have arthritis anymore', 'I can drink anyone under the table', and 'I can scare kids off my lawn more easily' when you examine them closely. Most of the book is actually making excuses for why things like slowly rotting away 'aren't so bad'. Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)13:15 But in what ways can you kill someone with Mage's Hand?

Vythnox the Red 01/09/10(Sat)13:16 Truly a sad day for scalies everywhere. AngryArtificer 01/09/10(Sat)13:21 Untie a rope holding up a heavy object over some one. Drop bottle of acid on some one.

Drop Torch on some one. As long as it's under 5lbs, you can drop, toss, move a potentially lethal object to some one. Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)13:21 'Fists of the Gods' By Stanley Leeston Appearance: a well worn blue hardcover, obviously read numerous times. Language: Common tongue Contents: Several stories about clerics of numerous faiths fighting evil wherever they find it, using feats of arms, strength, and clerical spells that dont actually exist. While it is well written, it is clearly meant for teenagers. Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)13:22 Something my shadowrunner found in a nifty astral quest.

The Zanthu Tablets: A Conjectural Translation - H. Copeland he book contains an autobiographical account, by Harold Hadley Copeland of his excavation of a tomb in Indochina where he discovered a set of 12 jade tablets.

His writings are very vague as to what else he found in the tomb. There are copies of rubbings taken from the tablets and an attempt at translation. The translation is patchy but appears, itself, to be an account of the high-priest, called Zanthu, of a religion formed around the worship of an entity called Ythogtha. It details a place called Mu and Zanthu's struggles against the rising cult of Ghatanothoa. The book contains, in an appendix, notes on Magic (R:1 Sorcery & Conjuring library) and several spell formulae. Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)13:22 So I could lift a knife and stab them in the neck or some shit? Or does that require more force than the Hand could give?

The Mad Googlier 01/09/10(Sat)13:23 I lold hard The Goddamn Duck 01/09/10(Sat)13:23 File-(679 KB, 800x1025, 563.jpg) 'Six-Element Music Theory' By Elianae Taeranil Appearance: A wider-than-normal tome, which any bard will notice has been printed on paper normally designed for sheet music. Good condition; the pages have been treated with an alchemic mixture which makes them spill-resistant. Language: Elven, with lyric excerpts in various languages and musical passages in the common notation. Contents: An exhaustive, but relatively easy-to-understand book on how various sorts of music hold elemental connotations. The book details each of the elements in turn: Fire, from the gnomish tradition, spirited dance musics heavy on the string and brass.

9 Inch Zippers

Water, of elven symphonics, flowing and tranquil, but with the ability to roar and crash in turn. Wind, the halfling tradition, just as comfortable without an instrument as with. Wood, the human barsongs, natural outgrowths of every other tradition. Metal, dwarven ballads noted for using whatever is close by as a percussion instrument. And earth - or 'rock', more accurately - the spirited evolution of the songs of orcish slaves. Anonymous 01/09/10(Sat)13:33 'of two spirits' by Mr.51 appearance: simple hardback book, the cover is black and white, the back side has the colours reversed sides.

Language: slightly older version of common tongue contents: what seeings seems to be an absurdist tale about two spirits who arent even sure who is the good and who is the bad being locked in a constant war of futility, fought by controlling and possesing killers of the human world, filled with seemingly random happenings. When read with 17 INT, turns out to be a huge metaphor for the warring countries of old, many allusions to chess, black and white, the number 7 and the secret number 8, about how society is crontrolled and about the minds of killers. Only with the higher INT does this story become a deeply interesting and thought provoking novel. If the character reads and understands it, their alignment and personality may change. AngryArtificer 01/09/10(Sat)13:33 Up to debate, the book says No, I have been so tempted to see if the Mythbusters could set up a test to prove it once and for all. AngryArtificer 01/09/10(Sat)13:59 I have taken a very odd step for Geekdom, I have asked the MythBuster's if they can prove that Mage Hand can or cannot kill!

God help us all.