Good Traffic Ware For Fs2004 Ai

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Good Traffic Ware For Fs2004 Ai 4,5/5 7079 votes

Quoting : I use Just Flights myself, it's not expensive and it works. The graphics aren't nearly as good as World of AI or Project AI, but my computer can't handle more anyway.

  1. Ai Traffic For Fsx Steam

Ultimate Traffic 2 uses licensed and FSX compiled versions of some popular freeware FS9 freeware AI models, but only airliners. Might I ask if someone could confirm or deny a rumor that I heard that one of those [3] mentioned pay-ware products has the A.I. Aircraft disappearing over oceanic routes?

Ai Traffic For Fsx Steam

Don't be fooled by how good they look. WO AI packages (or more specifically, Aardvark/EvolveAI/Fruitstand models) are much easier on your computer than that awful looking stuff Just Flight puts out. I can guarantee you that you'd notice a significant performance increase if you dumped the payware and installed traffic by WO AI. For more on this, go here: Just to reiterate, I'm not kidding. The models you paid for are crap.

The good stuff is FREE! Other simmers here will attest to this. Quoting : Don't be fooled by how good they look. WO AI packages (or more specifically, Aardvark/EvolveAI/Fruitstand models) are much easier on your computer than that awful looking stuff Just Flight puts out. I can guarantee you that you'd notice a significant performance increase if you dumped the payware and installed traffic by WO AI. For more on this, go here: Just to reiterate, I'm not kidding.

The models you paid for are crap. The good stuff is FREE! Other simmers here will attest to this. I've already had World of AI and Project AI, my performance went down the drain. I'm not saying that Just Flight is better, but for those of us who like to have things simple and don't want to spend hours finding files, downloading them and piecing them togther, products like Just Flight are the way to go. Quoting : Until now I was using project AI but I just got a new computer and I'm reinstalling everything and I got world of ai and so far so good, but I noticed some airlines that I had are not available (AR for example), so here's my question, are pai and woai compatible?

Can I download both installers and have the packages of both at the same time or will this screw up everything? Thanx in advance! They're totally compatible and will not 'screw' with each other, but they do use different models.

WO AI uses models by Aardvark, EvolveAI, Fruitstand and FSpainter while PAI uses.yeah, I'll say it.their own inferior models. I've put together my own AI for everything WO AI doesn't offer as a package using MR AI installer and models by the aforementioned modeler and my AI is top-notch. Lose the PAI, it detracts from your performance as well as your aesthetics! Quoting : Just to reiterate, I'm not kidding. The models you paid for are crap.

The good stuff is FREE! Other simmers here will attest to this. Amen to that Gunsontheroof. You've said it before and you're saying it again. Seriously though you are right. The best AI traffic you can get is totally free and ones that you put together yourself. You've just got to take a look on at the new AI Planes and AI Flight plans that keep coming out every day and see how they are continually improving repaints, models and updating flight plans to summer/winter schedules and incorporate special liveries.

The thing about packages like Just Flight Traffic 2005 or Traffic 2004 is they are very good at filling up airports immediately and bring a lot of traffic with very little effort and at the click of a couple of buttons. That's all very well if you prefer that or don't have the time to make up your own but if you do have the time to and want to learn to put AI traffic in yourself it's a very very worthwhile investment. Doing it this way makes sense for a lot of reasons such as being able to add special liveries as and when they come out, updating flight plans with current schedules and new airports as well as new and improved aircraft models. Take for example the new AI Aardvark 737-300 version 2. This incorporates a model with winglets and another 2 models with different wing light structures as well as bringing advances in the moving surfaces etc.

Here's 2 pictures the first is Just Flight's Traffic and the second is the way my traffic is. You can see the difference in the quality of the models alone. There's just something satisfying about spending some time downloading and installing new aircraft models and flightplans and then seeing them appear in FS. Once you know how to do them you'll be glad you did.

Quoting : are pai and woai compatible? Can I download both installers and have the packages of both at the same time or will this screw up everything? Very much so. As Gunsontheroof said they work together very well. As long as you make sure you don't have for example a WO AI Air France package and a PAI Air France package installed at the same time. Brocade silkworm 4100 firmware download. However between the two WO AI wins hands down every time over PAI. Quoting : Here's 2 pictures the first is Just Flight's Traffic and the second is the way my traffic is.

You can see the difference in the quality of the models alone. Ewww.those jagged models and fuzzy repaints make me want to cry! Quoting : I still will get a few pai packages though, mainly the Latin American airlines (AR, Gol, LAN, CM, TAM and RG) that I didn't see in woai. If you want to learn how to put your own AI together using totally slammin' models and repaints, Gol would be a good airline to learn with. Not a lot of different planes, readily available repaints. Speaking of AI, I just did an FS reinstall and am currently going through the drudgery of reinstalling WO AI packages and updating my own AI.quite the task, but it'll be worth it when done. You haven't suffered on avsim until you've tried to get Russian AI models and repaints for carriers in Russia/Central Asia!

Allow me to chime in for a second. Like a few of you here, I'm of the 'instant FS gratification' society, myself. I want it, and I want it now. So I'd considered buying Just Flights until someone told me about PAI. Then my 'cheap' sub-routine took over and I started installing every PAI package under the sun. When I noticed that my computer was running like a racing greyhound with an anvil tied to its head, I asked for help here.

'Change those crappy models out!' Everyone shrieked. I was cringing - not sure how to do it, but people here were kind enough to point out tutorials that enabled me to keep the PAI flightplans and swap 'em out for framerate-friendly, much more aesthetically pleasing AI aircraft. Mostly from Aardvark and FSPainter.

NOW it's even easier. You can just ditch it all and install straight from WO AI; flightplans, planes, the whole shebang. And if they don't have the airline you need, it doesn't take much to download the flightplan and models separately and marry the two. Let me tell you - I cannot begin to explain what a huge difference this all makes.

You'll get so much more enjoyment out of seeing the extra performance while seeing better visual models that you'll wonder how you got by before. And like Guns said - those lousy PAI models - particularly the CO 752 - just make me want to cry they look so bad. I guarantee you won't be disappointed. I FINALLY found that program on Avsim that enables you to follow your AI planes everywhere - even monitoring ones over a hundred miles away. It's awesome! Every type from fighters to helicopters from air forces around the globe Props and jets from the good old days Views from inside the cockpit Passenger cabin shots showing seat arrangements as well as cargo aircraft interior Pictures of great freighter aircraft Aircraft flying government officials Our large helicopter section. Both military and civil versions Everything from the Goodyear blimp to the Zeppelin Beautiful shots taken while the sun is below the horizon Accident, incident and crash related photos Photos taken by airborne photographers of airborne aircraft Aircraft painted in beautiful and original liveries Airport overviews from the air or ground Tail and Winglet closeups with beautiful airline logos.

Without sounding stupid, is it normal for FSX to have very little in default AI aircraft traffic? FS9 was always full of it! I've got the AI set up to ultra high, yet when I go to some of the worlds busiest airports there's hardly anything there. I'm looking at getting traffic X or 360 in the near future.

Would that solve the problem? (without fannying about and programming stuff in as no idea how to do that) FSX is good in many respects, but I do miss the interaction with lots of other traffic that I got with the earlier format.

I hadn't noticed it as much up until now as I rarely fly airliners. ( though I have lots of them in the sim hangar.) Maybe I've got it set up wrong, I just don't know.

Alan, It's been that long since I used the default FSX AI, I actually can't remember. However, I can confirm any 3rd party AI add-on, such as Traffic X / Traffic 360 / Ultimate Traffic 2 will inject enough traffic for you. Having said that though, I would recommend Ultimate Traffic 2 over the others. I tried Traffic X first but found it fairly light on unless you were flying in England. As for Traffic 360, I seem to recall the general consensus is, 'avoid it like the black death'.

Ultimate Traffic 2 has good coverage across the world, the models are reasonable (they are AI after all), and it has some nice tools. Cheers Andrew. I love Ultimate Traffic 2, but it took a lot of time and effort to populate the UK and Ireland airports with the volume of traffic that makes it realistic. I don't use the Daedalus colour scheme (for obvious reasons), so I needed to add additional passenger (and cargo) airlines that were not included in the default (admittedly 2009 database) version of UT2. To be honest, almost the entire database of planes that fly in and out of the UK and Ireland have been replaced on my system with new models and textures, and I am still waiting for a handful of additional airline schedules to be released. I don't worry about having the most up to date schedules for every airline, but I do like to add any airlines that are missing. I don't use any of the add-on AI Traffic packages at this time.

A new computer is in the process of having FSX loaded on to it and AI traffic is a long way down the list. However, in the past, I used WOAI (World of AI - most airline packages are available on AVSIM. There is a handy search function that will give you information on which airlines visit your field. One thing I do remember about the package is a warning about conflicts between FS9 and FSX AI. Here is a reprint (sorry, no permission requested, but it is freeware) of the 'readme' file that I have stored on my computer. Hope this helps, Alan.

I then created a folder in the addonscenery folder called ai/scenery and copied all the flight plans there. Leve the default stff where it is in the scenery/world/scenery folder. You will need to activate this folder in the scenery option in FSx setup. Then run AIFPC. It will allow you to do batch conversions. Make sure first time that it shows traffic bgl and select under compile target FSX. Select all the flightplan BGLS and a folder to extract them to.


When it done point AIFPC to the folder you extracted the flightplans too and change the flight plan file to “txt”. And select all the flight plan text files.

Good Traffic Ware For Fs2004 Ai

Make sure that “Convert FS9 airports to FSX “is ticked as well as, “Renumber FS9 days to FSx days” and run aifpc. Now all your plans are converted simply overwrite the FS9 ones. All should work now, Just remember as you add more AI FSX will take longer to load. And make sure you have no duplicate flightplans remaining in the scenery world scenery folder. I'm running ultimate traffic 2 as well, and it's simple to set up and gives you plenty of traffic.

Though some areas are more sparse than others. I used to use Traffic X but found it a tad fiddly to setup proper. It has one advantage though, it includes a large amount of updated AFCAD-files for airports that are just a runway with nothing else in FSX. Most of those a a very good addition, since FSX needs parking spots to spawn the traffic in, but there are a few that messes things up or are just plain wrong as well. I know of one i Sweden where they used an older ICAO-code, so it sits on top of the default airport but at a slightly different elevation.

Also I think there is one somewhere in the south of England where they set the ATIS frequency wrong, and to make things worse to the tower frequency of another nearby airport, causing total chaos if you use ATC in that area. There are also two russian airports with the longitude coordinates set to west instead of east, placing them smack bang in the middle of the Atlantic ocean!