Indexhibit Web Templates

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2013-5-17  Indexhibit Like Theme For Wordpress. Web photo album? With DHTML Popup, you need just 4 simple steps to get your web photo album ready! Javascript pop window from dropdown. Updating themes and exhibit formats for Indexhibit 2. Indexhibit 2 has much greater capabilities over previous versions. For this reason, there will be some work required for this upgrade. In the future, after the upgrade, it will be much easier to update and maintain your website. Updating Themes. There are a number of. Find the perfect theme for your WordPress website. Choose from thousands of stunning designs with a wide variety of features and customization options.

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Sunday, 14 January 2018 Hello: I just pushed out the code for Indexhibit v2.1.5. Let's just get right to it - what's inside? - fixed index links not loading. fixed pseudo links in style.css - fixed a small bug with upgrade utility - fixed password retrieval and transmit functions - general adjustments related to collect module - removed backward compatibility in all classes - enabled tagging for exhibits - enabled subsections (turn on via /ndxzsite/config/options.php).

iframes no longer reliably work with https because of cross-site scripting rules. If you are trying to link to an https besides your own site you may need to rethink the link. Collect Module? This is really a completely different news entry, so I'll just say that it was conceptually a way to take Indexhibit from being a purely (theoretically speaking) vertical system to one that could also be horizontal facing at the same time. Unfortunately, it was so much work at the time. The first collect module is a simple Journal/Log system. It's still experimental so I'm releasing it from my own website.

Indexhibit Web Templates

You can get the full details. Cheers Vaska. Thursday, 30 March 2017 Our first meeting for Indexhibit took place in a chocolate shop in Brussels around October 2006. At the time it did not have a name and I usually referred to it as the 'drawer project' (that was the intial working analogy in my mind). I had been building Indexhibit for some months before that already. I don’t think we had any idea that it might still be around 10 years later. Ultimately, Indexhibit was released about March-April of 2007.


I still remember the first users who popped up in the forum and in email. I'm still friends with some of them. The internet was such a different place than it is now - a place where most of us were excited for and cared about open ideas and systems. Indexhibit wasn’t a startup.

It wasn’t created to make money. It wasn’t created to build a sellable database or to fulfill some marketing strategy. It was made to be useful, to fulfill an idea. It was, and still wants to be, an art project. Beyond that, in the beginning, there was no plan.

I’m sorry I haven’t had time to do anything more fun for the anniversary, but if you have any good thoughts or notes to send about Indexhibit maybe I’ll post some of these. Send to: studio at vaska dot com. If you’ve been around 10 years or even if you are quite new to Indexhibit, thanks for hanging in there, thanks for using it and hopefully loving it as much as is possible. Let’s hope there are another 10 years left in this project.

Kind Regards Vaska. Wednesday, 8 February 2017 Hi Folks: Just to let you know that version 2.1.4 was just released. This is just a small update but here are the particulars: - fixed the installation script - updated /ndxzsite/js/jquery.ndxzbox.js - variable check - updated /ndxzsite/plugin/ - fixed titles bug If you are a new installation or upgrading this version will work better. I have a small amount of non-critical bugs on my plate but I don't forsee pushing out any updates for another month at the soonest. Kind Regards Vaska. Sunday, 15 January 2017 I'm still catching up on the little things - here's a list of v2.1.3.

Website Template

Updates: - Updated /ndxzsite/plugin/plugin.newstatistics.php (referrer issue) - Updated /ndxzstudio/system/index.php (small object bug) - Updated /ndxzstudio/system/files.php (mobile theme selection) - Updated /ndxzstudio/exhibits/files.php (mobile format selection) - Updated /ndxzstudio/lib/hooks.php (incorrect variable type) - Updated sorting for upgrades - now you should get the correct version number - Updated /ndxzsite/default/style.css for the 'New' indicator Upgrades: You simply only need to reupload the /ndxzstudio folder (backup first!). And then click on the upgrade link inside the studio. Reupload /ndxzsite/plugin/plugin.newstatistics.php Reupload /ndxzsite/default/style.css if you use the 'New' indicator or apply the update to whatever theme you might be using (I've commented where it exists in the file). I've had a bunch of nice email recently - I really appreciate the support. Rapidshare netter pdf portugues.

Oops - sorry for the delayed response. Vaska I'm not sure how to interpret your message.

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I'm guessing by your suggestion that it doesn't need to happen - that maybe it shouldn't? Or perhaps it exists elsewhere? If so Im at a loss to where this type info is collected. I'm not trying to step on anyone's toes, just honestly new and enthusiastic.

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I've just had a heck of a time trying to find various plugins and themes, that people have shared or started - so I put together a list for myself - it took a lot of time, so I thought I'd share and save other folks a bunch of work. To continue adding to these threads as I discover new efforts? I'm hoping to develop a web portfolio course for art & photography students. This is all part of the research I'm doing toward those ends. I'm not able to support financially at this point - but I want to contribute.